The winter generally was more wet than cold this year and it seems this is a pattern widely seen across the UK. As we reach mid-March we are all glad to see bulbs poking up and leaves unfurling as we head towards the longer days we have all been dreaming of.
Clear away any molehills and either scatter the soil onto borders that might benefit from topping up or sieve it and store it for potting and sowing purposes. A useful free by-product from all that destruction.
Tidy up rock gardens, alpine screes and sink/trough gardens. Remove all faded foliage and flowers, cutting back to fresh growth where needed. Fill any gaps with new plants and then top up around the plants with gravel.
If you have large clumps of Snowdrops lift them as the flowers fade and divide them into smaller clumps to fill gaps and create larger drifts of this much loved harbinger of Spring.
Sow hardy herbs such as Parsley, Dill and Chervil. Split up clumps of perennial herbs like Oregano, Mint and Chives to create new plants for the garden or pots. A pot of mint for making fresh mint tea is always a welcome gift.
Prune Hydrangeas being careful not to prune off the fat growth buds that will provide this year’s flowers. Old specimens with a mass of congested ‘sticks’ in the centre can be renovated by removing the thickest ‘sticks’ close to the base of the plant. Feed and mulch after pruning.
Spring is a busy season but one that revitalises both garden and gardener as we set about the familiar tasks that will hopefully bring the pleasure of lots of colour and produce later in the year.