Entries free to members and children.
All entries should be received by the Show Manager before 9.30am on the day of the show.
Entry cards, upon which the Competitor shall write his/her, name and address, will be placed by the exhibit, showing the class number only. Cards will be supplied.
Experienced judges shall be appointed and their decision will be final.
No prize will be awarded for any exhibit which is not in accordance with the Schedule. The judges are empowered to withhold prizes from any exhibit which may be of insufficient merit. Exhibits to be judged on quality, except where otherwise stated.
The Hall will be open for staging of exhibits between the hours of 7.00pm and 10.00pm on Friday and 7.00am until 9.30am on the Saturday of the show.
Protests must be lodged with the Show Manager in writing no later than 3pm on the day of the show before a protest can be considered.
No exhibitor, when competing, will be allowed to send more than one entry for the same prize.
No exhibits to be removed before the closing hour – 4.30pm.
Each exhibitor must sign the Declaration on the entry form, that the products exhibited in the Horticultural Section are bona fide his/her own growth, and have been in his/her possession for at least four months previous to the day of the Show. (Flowers for Decorative Section excepted). Handicraft exhibits must not have been previously exhibited at this Show and must be the exhibitor’s own work.
Anyone infringing any of the rules shall be liable to forfeit all subscriptions paid; prizes gained, and may be expelled by the Society.
Prize money will be paid out in the Community Hall, Pathhead, on the day of the show from 3.00pm until 4.30pm.